

complete the sentences with and but or because

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작성자 Margart
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complete the sentences with and but or because [Подробнее...]

And, but, or, so, because Grammar chart. Download full-size image from Pinterest And. We use and for adding similar information or ideas; it means 'too' or әдістемелік нұсқау хат бастауыш сынып 'in addition'. My brother is a plumber, and my sister is a teacher. They have an apartment in the city and құтты білік дастаны оқу a little house in the countryside.; When we are connecting sentences, we don't need to repeat the subject (Tom, I, we. Exercise 1 about the usage of conjunctions (and, but, or, so, because) in English grammar. Level of difficulty: easy. Test yourself! Choose the best option to complete each sentence. 19. After she He says that multitasking can be addictive because every time we complete a. One type of conjunction is the coordinating conjunction, which gives equal importance to the words or sentences that it connects. There are seven coordinating conjunctions: but, or, so, and, yet, for, nor. Visit for more English grammar worksheets All rights reserved And, or, but, because and so Grammar worksheets from. A) but;. B) and;. C) so;. D) because;. E) for. Вопрос 450. Where did you. 1 Join these pairs of sentences in different ways. I I love ice cream. I don't eat it often. 2 He's a good friend We don't have a lot in common. And, because, but, or, so. Exercises: coordinating conjunctions. I've got a brother a sister. It was very sunny last Sunday, we went to the beach. Would you like meat vegetables for lunch? My father likes football he doesn't like basketball. We aren't going to the bank it is closed. We can go to the beach to the mountain. I don't really mind. 9 Grade. Task 1. Each line contains one grammatically or lexically incorrect (unnecessary) word. Find these words. Eg.: 0 – the. Homeopathy.6 pages. The following exercises and explanations relate to ‘English conjunctions in English grammar’ and also test your knowledge: Correlating conjunctions (but, and, so etc.) Subordinating conjunctions (since, because etc.) Linking words in English grammar. Exercise 2: English conjunctions. The second part of the sentence is the result of the first part of the sentence. It was cold, so I turned on the heating. I spent three hours at the gym, so I’m really tired now. Because. We use because to introduce the reason for something. I turned on the heating because it was cold. I’m speaking quietly because I don’t want to wake up. Conjunctions are words which connect sentences or groups of words. Some learners know them as connectors or joining words. One type of conjunction is the coordinating conjunction, which gives equal importance to the words or sentences that it connects. There are seven coordinating conjunctions: but, or, so, and, yet, for, nor. I like coffee, but my wife prefers tea.

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