

PKS officially nominated Anies Baswedan with Sohibul Iman to run in th…

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작성자 Cecile
댓글 0건 조회 21회 작성일 24-07-19 03:25


PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto voiced his opinion on the discussion about a duet between Anies Baswedan and Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, also known as Ahok, as governor and deputy governor candidates in the Jakarta Pilkada. Hasto stated that his party welcomes the nation's best talents.

**Response from Central Java Police Chief Ahmad Luthfi** Central Java Police Chief Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi's name is gaining traction to run in the 2024 Central Java Pilkada. He responded to this matter. "I am still on duty. If it is the people's aspiration and the people assess it, but for now, I am still on duty carrying out official activities," Luthfi said at The Tribrata, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, on June 24, 2024. So far, he has not communicated with any political party about the Central Java Pilkada. "Not yet, not yet (no communication)," he said. However, he is ready to relinquish his position if endorsed as a gubernatorial candidate by a political party. "Yes, of course (I will resign if nominated)," he said. He has not yet decided to resign from the police force in the near future. Luthfi mentioned that he is still monitoring the situation going forward. "We will see the situation," he concluded.

Previously, PDIP DPP Chairperson Eriko Sotarduga proposed that if their party collaborates with PKB to nominate Anies Baswedan in the Jakarta Pilkada, they would offer the gubernatorial seat in East Java to PDIP. "For instance, in Jakarta, if PKB becomes the gubernatorial candidate, may PDIP become the gubernatorial candidate in East Java? Sure, it’s not a barter, but that's what cooperation means, we can't win everything on our own, we must collaborate," stated Eriko at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, on June 25, 2024.

nTo ensure that democratic principles are well-preserved, an Adhoc Body is formed to oversee the implementation of the Regional Election . This body comprises various entities, including the Sub-District Election Committee (PPK), the Polling Station Committee (PPS), the Polling Organizing Group (KPPS), and the Voter Data Updating Officers (Pantarlih)

nThe presence of the Adhoc Body guarantees that every stage of the Regional Election proceeds according to the applicable rules . The tasks of the PPK and PPS should not be underestimated. They are at the forefront of organizing the Regional Election at the sub-district and village levels, ensuring that every process runs smoothly and fairly

"The PKS DPP, in a meeting on Thursday, June 20, 2024, decided to nominate Mr. Anies Rasyid Baswedan as the prospective gubernatorial candidate and Mr. Sohibul Iman as the prospective vice-gubernatorial candidate," said Syaikhu.

"Whether through the civil service, retired military and police, socio-cultural groups, professional groups such as doctors, cultural figures, engineers, agricultural experts, and all other professionals can join PDIP," said Hasto.

"Secondly, this is related to PKS's significantly increased vote share in the legislative elections, where they were the top vote-getter in Jakarta in the 2024 elections. These two variables explain why PKS is nominating their internal cadre," he added.

025897200_1713928738-IMG_20240424_095018.jpgAccording to the General Election Commission Decree Number 475 of 2024, the tenure of the PPS in the 2024 Regional Election is 8 months, beginning on May 26, 2024. This indicates their commitment to supporting the regional election process . Another key date is Januar

nMa'ruf also conveyed several points that need the attention and follow-up of KPI and all broadcasting elements present at the event . He requested that KPI continue to monitor and supervise broadcasts by referring to the Broadcasting Code of Conduct (P3) and the Broadcasting Program Standards (SPS)

nIn the 2024 Regional Election, the role of the PPS will be very crucial. Proper management of the voting process will ensure the legitimacy and public trust in the election results . With adequate salaries for the PPS in the 2024 Regional Election, If you have any inquiries concerning where and the best ways to utilize elektabilitas Calon pilkada palembang, you can contact us at our page. it is hoped that they can remain focused and dedicated to achieving a high-quality election

084532100_1707548215-photo_2024-02-10_13-48-24.jpgnHowever, behind their significant responsibilities, they also deserve recognition . The PPK and PPS involved in the 2024 Regional Election not only provide their services but also receive monthly salaries

051715200_1682944759-IMG_20230501_172456.jpgAccording to the KPU Decision Number 476 of 2024, the selection process for PPS members in the 2024 Regional Election started on May 2, 2024. This announcement was made by the General Election Commission (KPU) or the Independent Election Commission (KIP) at the Regency/Municipal level in Indonesia

"I urge that the upcoming broadcasting bill aligns with the ideals of a democratic state that respects the nation's character and the noble values of Pancasila. KPI's future role must be strengthened to effectively fulfill its duties, represent public interests, uphold national morality, and support the unity of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI)," said Ma'ruf