

During this political season, it is a time often used by unscrupulous …

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작성자 Julius
댓글 0건 조회 8회 작성일 24-08-09 14:48


"It could be (Bambang Pacul), maybe (Ahmad Luthfi)," she stated to reporters at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, on June 25, 2024. However, Puan was hesitant to mention the name that PDIP will endorse. She noted that the current names, including Bambang Pacul and Ahmad Luthfi, are very interesting. "All the names that are emerging are being considered, all are interesting," she stated.

095451100_1698761649-presidenri.go.id-30102023174358-653f88ee2a5be4.05309240-1280x853.jpegThe first step is to understand the Pilkada guidelines. In this regard, the public as voters have the right and obligation to comprehend the Pilkada guidelines. These guidelines include all voting procedures. The fundamental facts from these guidelines can be a basis to avoid Pilkada-related hoaxes. Typically, guidelines concerning Pilkada implementation can be accessed through official channels or websites, for example from Bawaslu or KPU.

Meanwhile, Populix Research Manager Nazmi Haddyat Tamara mentioned that in a survey of journalists, it was found that the most frequently mentioned threats in the last election came from individuals or groups with personal motives (36 percent) and candidate success teams (33 percent)

Previously, Bambang Pacul mentioned that his party is still finalizing the nominations for the 2024 Central Java Pilgub. Pacul emphasized that PDIP is open to any prominent figures, including Central Java Police Chief Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi. "It is still in discussion and under survey, and we will report the decision to the central committee," Bambang Pacul said in response to whether the Central Java PDIP has shortlisted Ahmad Luthfi’s name at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, on Thursday. Pacul mentioned that the names of prominent figures emerging from various survey results will be proposed to the PDIP Central Executive Board (DPP). He left the decision on the Central Java Pilkada nominations to PDIP Chairwoman Megawati Soekarnoputri. "The decision is at the central level, but we will submit the data and survey results," Pacul stated in response to questions about Ahmad Luthfi being considered by PDIP in Central Java. "The final decision in Central Java is in the hands of the Chairwoman. If PDIP doesn’t nominate, it’s impossible. We will definitely nominate someone. Which one, we don’t know yet," he added.

Do not instantly share received or obtained information, particularly on social media. Perform checks and verification to ensure the information's accuracy, including examining the source's credibility and the website domain's validity if there is a specific link within the information. Voters can also confirm through official channels or authorities, as well as through trusted fact-checking platforms and media. To assist in the fact-checking process, utilize basic verification tools. Remember that hoax information can be in text form as well as visual, such as images (photos) or videos. Thus, as informed voters, it's essential to verify thoroughly, especially if the information includes manipulated images or videos out of context. Use verification tools such as Google Reverse Image Search or Yandex to check the source of the image or its previous versions, including the image's context.

**Targeted by Golkar** The Central Java Regional Executive Board (DPD) of the Golkar Party is open to endorsing Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi as a gubernatorial candidate in the 2024 Central Java Pilkada. Meanwhile, the Secretary of the Central Java Golkar Party DPD and former Karanganyar Regent Juliyatmono in Karanganyar, Central Java, on June 25, 2024, stated that several potential names have been inventoried. "We are still inventorying all possible candidates, including Mr. Police Chief. Everyone wants to win," he said. According to him, the party is widely open to external figures who wish to run in the 2024 Central Java Pilkada. "It is very possible. Especially now, the situation is still dynamic. There are many capable candidates," he stated.

013631300_1698216107-Naik_mobil_maung_prabowo-gibran_daftar_ke_KPU-ANGGA_2.jpgAs the election nears, hoax spreaders will distribute false information to discredit the candidates. Hence, conduct comprehensive research on each candidate before deciding. Simply use the Google search engine by typing the candidate's name or basic keywords, such as "Candidate for Governor of Region X 2024" in the search box and search. This helps voters understand each candidate's profile objectively and aids in making informed decisions. If you loved this article and you simply would like to acquire more info relating to pks golkar terima senang hati pasangan ridwan kamil nicely visit the website. As informed voters, the public should also be aware of fake polls. Often, influencers and buzzers on social media spread fake polls or vote results on social media. Such polls are often inaccurate because they are designed solely to attract engagement. Thus, voters should always be vigilant.

The PSU must be conducted within 45 days of the ruling . Responding to this, KPU RI Commissioner Idham Holik said that they have prepared for this as per the rules. Idham confirmed that the PSU timeline will not disrupt the 2024 Regional Elections.

The aim is to mislead voters and ultimately create division within the community. In the near future, society will be conducting the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections (Pilkada). Just like the general elections, the Pilkada is also targeted for hoax dissemination. Reported by Fact Check Hub, here are several tips to avoid political hoaxes, especially for voters in the 2024 Pilkada.