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작성자 Alanna Knoll
댓글 0건 조회 10회 작성일 24-08-22 16:50


That is why we are afraid, it is nice to have a visual and to have a confrontation with it." --Brad Dourif, on horror movies "Weddings are like server migrations: there's always shit to deal with the next morning, assuming that there wasn't a crash." --Lyssa "Any Arabic lyrics you hear in my songs do NOT come from the Qu'ran, however, so there shouldn't be any weird issues with temperamental Muslims. Y'all know I only take lyrics from the Al-Azif, and Cthulhu cultists are all very supportive of my music, as it encourages their goals of waking the Great Sleeper from his aeons-long seafloor nap." --Pegritz "Biswick? Don't mind me, I have to take him out back for his morning spanking." "I'll take ''things I didn't need to know About dirtyaddictionx OnlyFans Model my co-workers'' for $500, Alex." --Anonymous and Bryce "Don't ever drop a straightline like that again. I'll take ''Things you never want to hear in the wiring closet'' for a thousand, Alex." --B-G- and Bryce "Chip, you fucking terrify me sometimes." --Warren Ellis "It's going to suck, but Fidonet will rise again." --Jim Selleck "Christ, he ninja-bombed me again! Trust a man who is 95% toxins on this." --Warren Ellis "Reason for restriction: Forbidden Category ''Job Search''" --from a Shorewall web proxy error page "The inevitable result of trying to ban something - book, film, play, pop song, whatever - is that far more people want to get hold of it than would ever have done if it were left alone." --Philip Pullman "I'm a dangerous guy in a fight.